Websydian v6.1 online documentationOnline documentation - WebsydianExpress v3.5

WebsydianSEI - Message

WSE0059 - No child found for link in site structure

Error message

Error in &3. Child element &1 for link &2 does not exist.


&1 - Surrogate (unique identifier) for the site element (Menu/Frameset/URL/Business Process) specified as child for the link
&2 - Surrogate (unique identifier) for the link (connection between two site elements in the site structure tree)
&3 - Name of function reporting the error


A function showing all information for a specific link in the site structure tree could not read the information for the site element, that is specified as the child of the link.


Use the menu item "Surrogate" in the administration menu to find more information about the link.
As the link cannot be shown in the site structure if the child node does not exist - you might have to remove the link in the table WSLINKP using SQL or another tool offering direct access to the database.


This situation should not occur - as the function throwing the error should only be called from the site structure tree (which should not be able to show a link with no child node).